Synergizing diverse efforts to end modern slavery

A community of more than 260 members including
NGOs, businesses and academia in over 40 countries.
Please note that not all members are highlighted for security.
What we do
The Global Learning Community (GLC) is a cooperative project of organisations, institutions, individuals and businesses that are learning together to grow and serve the anti-trafficking and modern slavery response around the world.
Who we are
The GLC began as a project of Chab Dai in 2012. The project grew on the work of the Cambodian Coalition project to build a coordinated and informed anti-trafficking movement in the region and on a global scale.
In 2021 the GLC transitioned from a Chab Dai project to a cooperative community project.
The GLC community then collaboratively developed the new vision and mission and outlined the core values of the project. The focus is on supporting, inspiring and growing one another as the anti-trafficking and modern slavery movement.
To strengthen and foster a comprehensive, connected, and competent anti-trafficking and modern slavery movement.
As a culturally diverse, global community, we collaboratively strengthen standards, facilitate connections and learning, and implement creative and innovative solutions within the anti-trafficking and modern slavery movement.
Core Values
+ Inclusive
We are a community embracing diverse worldviews and identities while listening and learning from people who have been marginalized.
We listen to other cultures, languages, identities, and perspectives, and we create space for everyone to contribute.
We strive to have diverse participation on all levels of leadership, making accommodations in order to ensure that the voices of those who are marginalized, particularly survivors, are elevated and centered.
+ Sharing
We share resources, knowledge, and create a supportive community to exceed our individual capacity while respecting the agency of authors and originators to decide when and how to share.
We respect ethical storytelling guidelines, ensuring that survivors have autonomy over their stories. We give credit to the originators of the resources we use. Rather than competing with one another, we contribute our own resources and expertise to the community because we are stronger together.
+ Accountable
We are transparent and responsible towards each other and the individuals and communities we serve.
We work towards continual improvement and prioritize the well-being of those who have survived modern slavery and human trafficking. We evaluate our practices and objectives and are committed to ethical standards. We accept responsibility for the good and harm we cause, and rectify any mistakes we make. We are open to inquiry and feedback from those we serve, including other members of this community. We approach one another with dignity and respect throughout this process.
+ Innovative
We regularly question ourselves towards better lead practices and seek to encourage novel approaches to address problems.
We are willing to try new approaches because we are constantly learning and unlearning. This means that we have the courage to fail. When we do not hit the target we intended, we continue in our pursuits of deploying new approaches to solve complex challenges, encouraging one another at every step.
+ Empowering
We work to encourage and support organizations, individuals, and the communities we serve to recognize, claim, and use their agency to thrive.
We recognize that everyone has power, and we create an environment in which individuals and organizations also recognize their power and autonomy to make decisions about their own lives and to make valuable contributions to the wider community.
Our Objectives
• To inform, support and facilitate member development and connections within the anti-trafficking community, partners and collaborators.
• To facilitate peer learning, coaching, connections and leading projects through a commitment of time equal to 20% of their work with ‘sweat equity’ contributions.